walopun dah terlambat sebulan..tp x pe!! nak jugak wat review! asal taun nie byk first time punye benda ! ok..maybe..life experience starts at 19 !
semau experience first time
1st - kuar kolej...hmm....ok..
2nd - sambut besday dalam hutan kat taman negara...gile la..1st time tgk BAB1 live!!
3rd - yg nie..ngeri..beli tiket konsert super show...fan suju mmg GILE LA!!!
4th - g konsert super show yg mmg best gile la!!
5th - tunggu kat luar stadium dr pagi smpai kol 7 tok super show..mmg fan nie!!
6th - tgk abs live!!! my first love at the sight of abs is CHOI SIWON !! hebatkan??!!
7th - benci NEMO!!!!!!!!!! thanks natol...awk slalu ingatkan kte!!
8th - jumpe UKISS...
9th - jerit name soohyun smpai sakit tekak !! x korek telinge kowt dia mase tu..
10th - korean week for msia fan...ukiss then beast.. xcam heaven ke?
11th - jumpe BEAST yg mmg sooo beast!!!
12th- kena himpit sampai rase nak pengsan kat beast tu...pergh la...fobia dah!!
13th - dapat meet and greet BEAST..tapi end up gaduh sb pompuan depan tu sibok!!
ok nie bukan review of half 2010..nie cam mengenagkan ari2 bersama artis tok 2010 jek..well....taun nie..mmg best sb ramai yg dtg!!! tapi x puas ati tol...knape F.CUZ kte g singapore je!!! tolong la dtg msia!!!