Monday, June 28, 2010

my yong2 rosak..i kicked it during sleep !

adushh..laptop ( yong2) kte rosak nie! x leh salahkan sesiape..salah sendiri gak..actually, lepas balik dr tgk beast.. bdn letih sgt tapi nak gak bukak yong2 sb nak update pic.. then, sb ade lebih kurang 500, lambat..then kte pun ter zZzZ la... knape la ganas sgt..tertendang yong2..sian dia..abis rosak.. tapi x pe la...laptop rosak bleh baiki..tapi kte terfrustkan kawan kte aritu jugak..i am soooo sorry shera!! kte btol2 letih sgt!

shera..i am really sorry..the nite b4, kte xleh tido sb kte xcited sgt dpt lucky pass tok jumpe beast (korean boy group).. then, kte bangun awal sgt...boleh kata, kte x tido la malam tu.. then, the nite b4 gak was a rough nite for me.. there were a lot of pushing and my body hurt soo much! so malam ahad tu.. sorry sgt kte tertido mase tengah makan..wah..hodohnye perangai!!you know rite i was soo tired until my body pun x larat sgt malam tu, remember when i fall down on the way to the cars that nite? hmm... about the boys.. dorg plak baru balik dr camping of course letih except shafiq la.. so, kte sebagai wakil the boys and myself..kte btol2 nak mintak maaf! jgn merajok ye shera.. we love to have you back!! i mean it.. i promise you the weekend i baru start kelas.. sorry sgt for the bad first impression !
well, there is something for you.. kte dah plan benda nie since is a lot of work..but i doesn't matter cause it's for you!

syafiq..thanks sb bagi pinjam laptop! kalo kte tertinggal password lagi.. buat donno je tau!

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